Meet Your Courier: Johan


What do you do when you’re not leading an ACFEA tour?
I love listening to music, spending time doing outdoor activities, travelling, watching documentaries, reading about new destinations and – last but not least – looking forward to my next ACFEA tour!


What’s one thing that’s always in your courier bag?
My courier bible of course! Containing all the important information of the ongoing tour.


Where’s your favorite place to lead a group?
I’m passionate about every destination my group will visit. I start by making my own preparations before the tour and I’m determined to deliver the best possible tour for my group. Being on tour for me is like playing a recital. Giving the very best for my group who have worked so hard in preparation and are enormously looking forward to their performances abroad!


What’s your best travel advice?
For maximum enjoying during your travels, read up and prepare yourself for where you will be visiting. Use every available minute to learn and discover about a country or town you visit. Always wear easy clothing and comfortable shoes for exploring the city and countryside.


What’s your favorite thing about being a courier?
Being on tour for me is like playing a recital. Going beyond the expectations of the group by creating unforgettable experiences, which I hope will become a lifelong memory.