10 Ways to Calm Fears For Your Touring Group

Maintaining health and safety on tours has always been a chief priority for tour planners.  But as global travel worries grow, so does the need to reassure tour participants and their families of their relative safety on tour.

Here are ten ways Tacoma Youth Chorus Managing Director Martha Leonhardt calms fears for her group:

  1. We understand that there are no guarantees of safety. While any terrorist event is a tragedy, we try to keep in perspective that millions of people travel safely each year.
  2. We discuss any international concerns with ACFEA so that we are in a position to answer parents’ concerns. On tour, we know we are in good hands with ACFEA’s well-trained couriers.
  3. We seek destinations that are smaller and less traveled but have significant performance or cultural exchange opportunities.
  4. We minimize time in big cities, knowing our singers have a lifetime to travel and will, no doubt, have the chance to see them another time.
  5. Our tour staff consists of the same people from tour to tour — a combination of TYC alums and staff. They are a very well-traveled team that understands rules, expectations, and our organizational ethos.
  6. Each staff member has international cell phone capability so we can communicate with one another throughout the tour.
  7. We take a medical person/nurse with us on every tour.
  8. We approached airport planning more proactively during our most recent tour, reducing “stand and wait” time in unsecured areas.
  9. Communication, communication, communication! Safety is an ongoing discussion with our families. In case of worrisome events, we communicate that we are aware and monitoring the situation. In the weeks leading up to departure, our singers meet with their chaperones to discuss any concerns they may have.
  10. Because of the thoughtful way in which we approach our tours, we find that as a staff, we are confident in our planning and, in turn, can reassure any parents who might be uneasy.